I liked this movie and thought it was funny. my girl hated it and said it was sad. it has the good guy from dodge ball and wedding crashers and it has the guy who he was with in swingers and made, which were both awesome movies. so this movie has gotta be awesome too. It also has one of the chicks from friends in it. So friends and dodge ball are a couple and dodge ball only buys a couple of lemons one day when he is supposed to buy more and he wants to watch sports instead of set the table or something so his girl breaks up with him. they have a really good apartment apparently so neither one wants to move out. they stay together for everything like bowling night and game night with their friends, but they are broken up and they keep yelling at each other randomly. they divide the apartment and kinda try to get the other person out, but not stupid like duplex which i hated. anyway dodge ball says lots of funny things, but in his dodge ball way so you miss where to laugh if you dont really like his jokes normally. When he is with his swingers friend he is especially funny, but not as much as he was in swingers or made. One good thing happens when they go to see The Old 97's and they sing that time bomb in my mind mom song which is fun, but it is also a sad scene at the same time. So SOME people dont like this movie because they see funy and sad things next to each other and only end up sad and then the ending pushes them over the edge. I did not think the end was sad if you listen to what dodge ball and friends are saying through the whole thing and know when to laugh. The ending seemed proper to me because no one can live in the same place forever on purpose.
This movie wasnt as funny as swingers or made and it made my girl sadder than happy. dodgeball and friends are always talking about what they dont like in the other person and i do not know why they did not just stop talking to each other. there is a gay guy from best in show in this film. if it had been funnier i would have laughed more and so would everyone else so I only give it 3.5 stars.
You should watch all of dodgeballs other funny movies if you liked this movie.