This movie is really cheap at the store. It has the guy from Phonebooth in it and he has some southern accent. I was not surprised to find out that it was another war movie about Vietnam. No one likes phonebooth because he does not want to be there, so they think he has a bad attitude. He can shoot real good, but does not want to kill anyone. He makes fun of his sargeant and othre leaders in boot camp, and some people like him and others hate him for it. One sergeant is really mean to everyone especially the lead private, and he hits him a couple times. They make phonebooth the new lead private, and he is pretty nice to everyone. Phonebooth gets into a fight with another private who tries to shoot him. They separate the two, but that is all. Then they make the privates in phonebooth's platoon go into the jungle with higher ups to find out what it is like. Then phonebooth's platoon and his enemy's platoon meet up and it looks like there will be trouble. This happens twice, and it is real intense. The movie is called Tigerland, and they tell us what that is, but we never go there in the movie. From what they went through just in bootcamp, I do not think it matters.
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