Coach was a pretty good show, and Dauber and Luther were hilarious. Coach is the dad in the Incredibles, Luther and Dauber are nowhere to be found. At first Coach and his wife aren't married and people drive around in Dick Tracy cars. Coach is a superhero named Mr. Incredible and he gets sued by someone he was trying to save. He must no longer be a superhero because of this which is uncool. He should have sued the guy back for making him lose his job. He has to get married since he no longer has a job, and they have kids who have super powers too. The rest of the movie is like Spy Kids 4 but better. There is a huge adventure, and I wish I had super powers when I was in school. Banky form Chasing Amy is in this movie too as a voice, but I will not tell you who or it would spoil it. Everything is made on the computer by Pixar because the huge robotic spider thing would cost too much money to build in real life. The coolest thing about this DVD was the short about the baby Jack Jack on the second disc, but you can't watch it until you have seen the long film.
The ending introduces a new villain who is really stupid and sets up the film for a sequel. I hate the new villain more than brussel sprouts. I think a hero is only as good as its villain. If the villain is so stupid that I could beat him, then I do not want to watch someone else beat him. I think more family's like the Incredibles and the Cortezes should fight crime together. But I am not sure if there should be evil families too, although the people two houses down are all really mean to everyone, so maybe the evil groups already exist and the good ones need to be started. I give this move 4 out of 5 stars because it is really fun and exciting.
If you like this movie good. Also watch Spy Kids because it is kinda the same story, but with real life and computer life combined.